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Self guide tour

Wilson Trail Logo

Are you ready to take on the Wilson Trail, but in need of a little guidance?


We provide you with the route, tracking, location pins with essential information and a progress summary. Best of all it's......


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The Route

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Our app shows you the route and your GPS location. The trail changes from Purple to Green as you satisifying!



Our location pins along the trail provide essential information for your hiking. We'll explain these in more detail below



The Hong Kong Trail is mighty and we don't expect you to complete it in one go. We will save your progress for when you return.

Trek The Trail

If you are new to Hong Kong or hiking, our hiking guide is the perfect companion to lead the way. Simply download the app and select the Wilson Trail. Below are features of the guide you will find useful.


From the south of Hong Kong to the North, the Wilson trail covers it all. The whole journey is 78km (excluding the ferry ride 😉). This is 78km of ridgelines and mountains, making it the most technically challenging trail.

Elevation Gain

The Wilson trail is relentless. The other 3 have long periods of flat terrain, to allow you to catch your breath....Wilson does not. The trail is sandwiched between Hong Kong's two most formidable day hikes,the Twins at the start and the Apostles at the end, for a total gain of 4043m.


All this terrain means it can be slow going in parts. The full trail runs at an average of 30 hours of hiking time. Entry and exit points are far and few, so plan your days carfeully.

How to start

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1. Download the App
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2. Select Challenges/Long Trails
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3. Choose the trail and "Begin"

Start the challenge!

Get the gear

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